With the holidays here and our coming new addition, my mind has been occupied obviously with finances. The thoughts of providing for and clothing one more child, and for my growing children have just overwhelmed me. So I've been wondering...how do you all afford to dress your family and not neglect yourselves? Does anyone have an actual clothes budget and stick to it? If you do how does it work for you? Daniel is constantly growing, and is getting passed the age where I feel like I can get things for him without him there. Those of you who have older children how do you manage that? Does everyone just have the cash to buy clothes all the time or do you have to do credit?
Any ideas or input on the subject would be appreciated!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
How does everyone else do it?
Posted by Suzy Farar at 10:12 AM 7 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Dennis!
Yesterday was Dennis's birthday! We had fun getting together with his brothers and he played games, which is what he loves to do! I took the camera, but never took any pictures, shame on me! We had a good day
Posted by Suzy Farar at 3:29 PM 1 comments
Rose Garden Ward Christmas Party
Saturday was our ward Christmas party. Allison was the only one interested to sit on Santa's lap. There was no way Daniel and Cade would and Ethan was off somewhere. We had a great time, wonderful dinner, and a nice nativity program. Thanks to all those who put so much work into it!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 3:19 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
My one and only
Allison and I were sitting in the car playing with the camera and waiting for Dennis to come out of work. Man, I love this little girl even though she makes messes all the time! I'm so grateful that I have her and I hope that we can always be best friends! I love that she likes to go shopping and we look at clothes and things together, and she likes to "do" my hair sometimes. The Lord knew that I needed her, especially now that we are having another boy!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 5:38 AM 4 comments
Can I just eat it?
Allison made this gingerbread house in preschool, which was supposed to be a decoration. But she was bound and determined to eat it! I told her she had to wait until her brothers and dad got home so they could see it, and I wanted a picture of it. She waited all day and I kept having to remind her she needed to wait, then right after this picture she took it to the table and broke it apart, it made a huge mess! I should have gotten a picture of that!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 5:32 AM 0 comments
Happy Birthday Ethan
Ethan's birthday was on Wednesday the 10th. He is now 9 years old, oh how the time flies!
And to think that I am adding to this craziness!!!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 5:27 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thanks to everyone who helped us have a fun time. on the way home we met up with Darren and cody who were on their way home too. We stopped at Jacob lake at the North Rim and found some snow.
Posted by Suzy Farar at 8:22 PM 1 comments
Rachelle leading us all in christmas bingo, Taryn ( I thought this picture was great in so many ways), and her mom and dad (Anthony and Heather.
Posted by Suzy Farar at 8:15 PM 0 comments
We were able to safely arrive at my brother Jeff's house in Riverton, later that night thank goodness. We had a great time seeing my family and are very grateful to Rachelle and Jeff for letting us stay at their house for 4 days! The cousins all had a great time together, and are fast becoming little computer nerds as you can tell. Putting together puzzles is a family tradition at these gatherings, you can see my brothers, Jeff, Anthony, and Larry all working on one.
Dennis loves to do puzzles too and he was right there with them. I don't get in to it much, I'm not patient enough.
Posted by Suzy Farar at 8:03 PM 1 comments
Thanksgiving blessings
We ended up going up to Utah for Thanksgiving. My doctor gave me the ok. It had been rainy all Wednesday, and just as we were driving into Boulder City this grey car , which was going the other direction on the other side of the median, for some reason jumped the median right in front of the white car, which was right in front of us. Well the white car had no chance and hit him, and Dennis had to pull some good defensive driving techniques to avoid hitting both of them. Just as he was swerving around them, we got a shower of debris and glass all over our car. The whole experiance was very scary and we know that Heavenly Father was watching over us. Unfortunately the battery on our camera gave out so we didn't get any pics of our van, which was covered in glass. Our windshield is all nicked and cracked , and our car hood got some scratches and stuff all over. We are still waiting to hear from our insurance company how everything will get fixed.There were two people, a girl who looked about 8 and an older man(who was driving the grey car) that were taken to the hospital in a helicopter, they landed right in the road. And another lady was taken in an ambulance. We were very blessed, and no I didn't go into labor or anything!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 7:49 PM 0 comments
So Cade and I worked like crazy to get his Arrow of Light Award done. I feel like I definately earned that pin! I learned that it really is alot up to the parents to help their kids achieve, it is an overwhelming feeling.
Posted by Suzy Farar at 7:40 PM 0 comments
THE Deer Hunt
In October Dennis went on a deer hunt with his brothers, cousin and a friend, and he took Ethan with him. They had some interesting adventures, but had a great time and Dennis got his first deer. He was pretty proud.
Posted by Suzy Farar at 7:36 PM 0 comments
In October we took a little ride up South Mountain and hiked a little bit. The view was not as clear as we had hoped, and it was windy and cold! It was fun to get out and the kids love doing things like that. Daniel also got a lot of scout awards that month. Here he is giving me a pin, and trying not to stick me!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Backing up............
ok, so back in September, Allison started preschool at North Canyon High with their vocational preschool program. The high school kids help teach the kids. She loves it! She was also invited to a birthday party where there was a petting zoo, and pony rides! And finally my little nephew Braxton was blessed!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
ok, so one of these days I'll get to updating my blog better with all the pictures I have. But for now, I just had to say that I am 33 weeks! Yay, me. I have to celebrate every Tuesday when I hit my new week mark! So far so good, except my body is way too old for this! We had a great Thanksgiving up in Utah with my family. Interesting trip up there, we narrowly avoided being in a bad accident thanks to Heavenly Fathers protection. Dennis had to do some Nascar moves, but we are all alive and well. Dennis took some pics that I will post..............sometime......
Posted by Suzy Farar at 5:09 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
I thought I would finally change the blog to be a little fallish, better late than never I guess. But once again, I ended up deleting the pics I had on the side so I have to do it all again! What am I doing wrong? It will only be this way for a little while though! Then I guess we move on to Christmas! I'm not as good posting as I thought I would be, I have pictures on the camera that pile up on me. Like everything else in my life right now, some things just don't get done like I would like them to. I am almost 29 weeks yay! I've been having contractions fairly often, but not often enough to go in to the hospital. I'm trying to take it one week at a time. This little boy moves like crazy, I don't think he ever sleeps!
I hope to get my pictures put on here in the very near future, but right now I have to go lay down! Hope everyone had a fun Halloween!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 4:41 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Adam or Atom?
What are your thoughts on the name Adam spelled A-t-o-m? Send me your thoughts and vote on the side.
Posted by Suzy Farar at 5:28 PM 8 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Ok, so I'm finally caught up for now! That took me just about all day! For those of you who actually look at this blog, there are alot of posts so be ware!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 6:58 PM 4 comments
Best Cousins!
Ethan and Kennadie have always been great friends as well as cousins. Kennadie can get Ethan to do just about anything she wants him too! This last Saturday, Kennadie was bapized, Congratulations Kennadie, we love you! This past weekend was a big weekend for Kennadie and her family, not only was she baptized, but her new sister Brooklyn was blessed on Sunday.
Of course that meant, a huge Farar family weekend with lots of food, fun, games, chaos, and cousins. The guys get together and do their thing, which is play games, and the girls get together and to theirs, which is chat. Thank you Darren and Cody for hosting everyone for two days in a row. Congratulations on the new addition and for your oldest growing up!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 6:47 PM 3 comments
Wow I can't believe Daniel is 13!!!!
Here are a few pictures of Allison at the baseball game I thought were funny.
So we had Daniel's birthday dinner and cake and ice cream on his actual birthday which was Tues the 2nd. I can't believe my oldest is 13 and in middle school! Which is going ok so far.
The weekend before was opening day of dove season so it's a Farar tradition to go hunting, Daniel loves it and Cade made a comment to Dennis that he thought it was the best day of the year. I guess that Daniel can always count on doing that around his birthday, which reminds me....that's what Dennis was out doing when Daniel was born. He was out hunting, not dove, but something else, and didn't get back in time and missed the whole thing. In Dennis's defense Daniel came early and unexpectedly, but now I never let Dennis go anywhere anytime near a due date!!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 6:35 PM 2 comments
And Birthday season continues................
along with baseball season. Daniel's birthday is on Sept 2nd, about 10 days after Allisons or so. For his birthday he really wanted to go to a Diamondbacks game, so we went the Saturday before his birthday and he invited his friend Josh Preston from our ward to come. Usually we haven't had problems just going and buying tickets at the window, but this time it didn't quite work out that way. This was apparently a big game, they were playing the Dodgers and they needed to win this game. When Dennis got up to the ticket window, he was told that there was only standing room only available.
There was no way that I was going to stand that long, so we decided to take the kids and maybe go get pizza or something. Well, crossing the street, a police officer mentioned that we were walking the wrong way, and I told him that we didn't get our tickets soon enough.
Posted by Suzy Farar at 6:17 PM 1 comments
Happy Birthday to You..........
Allison's and Cade's birthdays are six days apart, so it wasn't too long before we were celebrating another birthday!!! Her birthday was on a Sunday and we had Kimber, Dylon, and Braxton over. For her birthday dinner she chose pizza, so we made homemade one's which turned out pretty good.
Thanks Aunt Kimber and Uncle Dylong for coming and for the pretty princess crown! She wasn't the only one who had fun with it!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 6:07 PM 1 comments
Happy 11th Cade!!
This year our "birthday season" as we like to call it, was kept low key. I didn't feel up to planning a whole lot. For Cade's birthday my sister Teri was here so it was fun to have her take part in our fun. She was actually down from Utah to help out Kimber, but Kimber consented to spare her for a day. For Cade's birthday we made him a card with clues to a movie we were all going to take him to see and he had to figure it out. We took him with our neighbor friend to see Narnia Prince Caspian.
After the movie we had a little cook out and swimming by one of the pools here for awhile then came up for cake and ice cream. Happy Birthday Cade!
I didn't get any pictures of the kids swimming or anything, but everyone had a great time. Teri and Kimber gave him a fun swimming pool basketball hoop and ball that was fun in the pool! Thanks guys!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 5:53 PM 1 comments