After Allison's tumbling class, Cade had his baseball practice at the batting cages today. While I had Cade and Allison, Dennis was having his teams practice with Ethan at the same time. Daniel didn't have anything going on for once, so he was at home getting homework done. When people ask me how I do it with the kids all involved, I just say, one day at a time.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Cade at the batting cages
Posted by Suzy Farar at 8:50 PM 1 comments
More pictures of tumbling class
They learned to do different things with hula hoops. I would spin it around and then I got her to wiggle her hips. It was really cute.
She loves to jump on things.
And here is the balance beam!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 8:34 PM 0 comments
Allison's tumbling class
Allison has been taking a tumbling class for the past 6 weeks and her last class is next week, so I thought I better post some pictures before I forget! Here she is doing a "bridge" with help from the teacher.
Here she is in front of the Deer Valley Community center where the class is held.
Here she is striking a pose, something she learned from her brother Ethan.
Here she is trying the "bridge" herself. She has a hard time getting that head up.
And here she is on the bar, which she is not supposed to be on unless I"m spotting her, but I had to get the picture!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 8:06 PM 3 comments
Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet
The last Blue and Gold banquet I attended I was in charge of, so it was nice to go to this one and not have to do anything! Ethan got his bobcat! He was so excited and proud, and has always been excited to be able to go to scouts and now he can!
Cade was awarded his Bear, eventhough he finished it awhile ago. We were moving last August right around his 10th birthday, but he finally got it! He is one of two Webelo's in the ward, and they both were awarded the Traveler pin. I think that's what it is called anyway.
Me and Cade. My kids are growing up!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 12:02 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
And the craziness begins.....
So little league is starting up for the spring. the boys are each going to be on a different team. Dennis is coaching Ethans team again. things are going to be busy with practices and games for all three!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 5:50 PM 0 comments
president's day weekend....
For presidents day weekend we went down to yuma. We had a nice visit, with the usual game playing. While Dan and Dennis went to see a movie, Cheryl and i took the kids t0 get shoes for Cade and Ethan. We were on our way to the Wetlands park, and happened upon the yuma territorial prison where admission was free that day for yuma crossing day. it was neat to walk around and show the kids. i hadn't been there in years. unfortunately i didnt have the camera with me. then we headed to the park, which is fairly new and fun.
Posted by Suzy Farar at 5:41 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Yay! It's Official.............
Dennis has now received his Bar ID number, so he is officially an attorney!! It was a long time in coming too! This picture was his graduation back in May 07.
Aren't we a happy family? The next weekend after the graduation we had a party at Matt Pearsons house. Dennis, Matt and Damond all graduated!! This is a picture of the whole Farar family in May 07. Dallin and Heather just had Talmage and were getting ready to move to Pennsylvania for PA school in the next few weeks.
Posted by Suzy Farar at 12:25 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 10, 2008
too bad...
oh, yeah, unfortunately Cade, Ethan, and Allison we all too sick to go to the school to see Cory McClosky. Ethan had been looking forward to it, but oh well. Cade had lost his voice, and sounded awful!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Whirlybird Wednesday
Posted by Suzy Farar at 9:41 PM 0 comments
It's that time of year.....
for the flu. So all last week I had sick kids at home. If it wasn't one then it was another. Luckily for me, I didn't really feel bad myself, Thank goodness. What happens when mom is sick too? That's right, absolutely nothing! What a relief that my immune system was up and running!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Daniel's lego city
So Daniel is pretty creative with legos. He had made baseball staduims galore, and airplanes. Here is a city that is his most recent creation that has been photographed.
Posted by Suzy Farar at 5:57 PM 1 comments
So here we are on Christmas morning. Dennis is obviously taking the picture!
Grandma and Grandpa Morrison
So Dennis was going to get me a new vaccuum for Christmas, the card says "This card sucks, but so does the vaccuum cleaner that is your present". I thought that was really creative, but unfortunately here it is Feb of the new year and I still don't have my new vaccuum. Hopefully...soon.....
Posted by Suzy Farar at 5:49 PM 0 comments
Christmas Eve 2007
For Christmas Eve we went to my brother Jeff's house and went sledding on a hill by his house. We had a great time.
Then we went back to his house for a Nativity put on by the kids, and had fun with my chocolate fountain. A huge storm blew in and it was snowing really hard, the drive back to my parents house was a little scary at times. The roads were really slippery and we aren't used to driving in that. I'm glad Dennis was driving, he did a great job!
Posted by Suzy Farar at 5:40 PM 2 comments
Ethan's baptism
Posted by Suzy Farar at 5:37 PM 0 comments
Posted by Suzy Farar at 5:17 PM 2 comments
After graduation and studying all summer for the Bar Exam we went to Yellowstone after Dennis had taken the test. It was beautiful and I've decided that I love waterfalls!
It was fun showing the kids things that I remember visiting when I was younger.
Old Faithful
Posted by Suzy Farar at 4:34 PM 0 comments
So Here We Go.....
After a year or so of looking at other people's blog's, I've finally decided to do one for our family. What a great way to document family history. So I'm figuring this out, and we'll see how it goes. I'll need to figure out how to put pictures on.
Posted by Suzy Farar at 4:03 PM 0 comments